Challenger’s support of First LEGO League Programs
FIRST LEGO League teams interested in learning more about the challenges of human space exploration can join us in two different ways: Exploration Lab Mission or Becoming a Scientist Mission.
Option 1: Exploration Lab Mission plus Q&A
Grades 1-5
Sep 15, 2018- 1:00-3:15 PM
Crew size: up to 26 students
An introduction to lab science and process skills themed around data collection and analysis for future mission preparation. During this program students will have a chance to try out several hands-on activity stations in the Mission Control and Space Lab simulators. Mission will be followed by time for teams to ask questions and discuss their projects. [Parents will be required to stay and chaperone.]
[stripe name=”Challenger Learning Center of Maine” description=”LEGO Exploration Lab Mission”]
[stripe_text label=”Card Holder First Name:” id=”first name” required=”true”]
[stripe_text label=”Card Holder Last Name:” id=”last name” required=”true”]
[stripe_text label=”Phone” id=”phone” required=”true”]
[stripe_text label=”Total Number of Children Attending” id=”children attend” required=”true”]
[stripe_text label=”Do you wish to be attended to Challenger’s email list” id=”add to email” required=”true”]
[stripe_amount label=”Final Payment Amount:”]
Option 2: Becoming a Scientist Mission plus Q&A
Grades 5-10 (and adults if interested)
Postponed: minimum crew size required not meet for this date
Email [email protected] if you wish to book for a future date
Accepting the following credit cards: VISA / MC/ AMEX / DISCOVER
If you wish to pay by check or cash, please call 207-990-2900 ext.3
Contact Education Director, Jennifer Therrien, with any questions regarding the event. [[email protected] / 207-990-2900 ext.3]