Apollo 13 Challenge:
The At-Home Edition
***Extended One More Week***Limited Time Only: April 17 – May 1, 2020
In celebration of the Apollo 13 anniversary, Challenger is bringing you an at-home version of an on-site program favorite- The Apollo 13 Challenge.
Program Description: This activity allows participants to replicate the engineering design challenge of the NASA Apollo 13 mission to the moon. Participants will be able to simulate being engineers and astronauts tasked to work together to save the Apollo 13 mission.
This activity is designed for adults and children ages 7+.
Program Date:
Complete the challenge between April 17 and 6pm May 1, 2020 to be eligible to win a prize!!
Program Information: click here
Program Prize: Share your results and earn a prize!
Upload your pictures to [email protected]. All participants will receive a prize, as supplies last.
Thank you for participating!
photo credits: NASA