Challenger Learning Center Summer Camp

2025 Summer Camp schedule shared below is for planning purposes. Registration for summer camp goes live through the link below on February 1st, at 9am EST. Please note: the schedule below is subject to change prior to the opening of camp registration on February 1st, at 9am EST. Specific camp activities are subject to change and are meant to give a general idea of topics covered vs stand as an exhaustive list.

Registration through link above opens February 1st at 9am.

Please note, all camps are full day, 4 day camps unless otherwise noted. Entering grade is the grade the student will be entering in the 2025/2026 school year.

June 23rd-26th:  Astronaut Academy (entering grades 5-8)

June 30th- July 3rd:  No camps

July 7th-11th:  Motion Makers Camp (half day camp, entering grades 6-8) 

July 14th-17th:  Robot Tech (entering grades 2-4)

July 21st-24th:  Astronaut Academy (entering grades 5-8)

July 28th-31st:  Robot Tech (entering grades 2-4)

August 4th-7th:  Expedition Earth (entering grades 3-5)

August 11th-14th:  Expedition Earth (entering grades 3-5)

August 18th- 20th:  Camp Curious A (3 day camp, half days, entering grades 1-2)

August 21st-22nd: Camp Curious B (2 day camp, half days, entering grades 1-2)

Please note each camp session is repeated. It is the same camp content offered two different camp weeks. Exception Is Camp Curious A and Camp Curious B

Check back soon for info on 2025 scholarship offerings

Camp Curious Camp

Camp Curious Camp is a great introduction to Challenger STEM Camp! This half day program gives our youngest scientists a chance to dive into all aspects of STEM, here on Earth and beyond!

This camp is designed for students entering 1st -2nd Grade

Drop off: Between 8:30-9am

Pick Up: Between 12-12:30pm

Note, this half day camp includes a snack break but no lunch break. Please plan to have lunch with your student after pickup

Sample activities include: Exploring our Mission Control and Spacecraft Simulators, modeling the solar system, training like an astronaut, investigating states of matter, participating in citizen science, and more.

Robot Tech Camp

Robot Tech Camp is one of our most popular camps and always the first to fill up! This full day program gives young scientists a chance to explore all things coding, robotics, and engineering!

This camp is designed for students entering 2nd-4th Grade

Drop off: Between 8:30-9am

Pick Up: Between 3-4pm

Sample activities include: Exploring our Mission Control and Spacecraft Simulators, exploring robotics throughout NASA’s current missions, building your own video game, coding movable Lego machines, engineering your own arcade game, and more!

young camper explores coding

Expedition Earth Camp

Expedition Earth Camp celebrates our favorite, most studied planet -Earth! This full day program gives young scientists a chance to explore all things Earth Science, Ecology, Renewable Resources and more!

This camp is designed for students entering 3rd-5th Grade

Drop off: Between 8:30-9am

Pick Up: Between 3-4pm

Sample activities include: Exploring our Mission Control and Spacecraft Simulators, exploring renewable resources through Wind Turbine and Solar engineering projects, getting our hands dirty with a recreated NASA seed growing in space activity, stepping into the “paws” of another species through our Animal Adaptations Olympics and more!

Astronaut Academy Camp

Train to become an astronaut with Challenger Maine this summer! This full day camp gives students a chance to see if they have just what it takes to become an astronaut.

This camp is designed for students entering 5th-8th Grade

Drop off: Between 8:30-9am

Pick Up: Between 3-4pm

Sample activities include: Dexterity tests, relay races in astronaut gear, trying space food, creating a Mars habitat, and more. The camp culminates in putting all their training to the test with a famous Challenger Mission Simulation!

Motion Makers Camp

Join us for our second year of this special collaboration camp with the Cole Land Transportation Museum! Note, the entirety of this camp occurs onsite at the Cole Museum and is co-run by CLC.

This FREE camp is designed for students entering 6th-8th Grade

Drop off: 12pm

Pick Up: 3:30pm

Students will spend the week learning the science behind what makes some of the classic vehicles on display at the Cole Museum GO! This camp will include multiple guest presenters and emphasize hands on activities related to a variety of vehicles.